
Official language is English in paper
writing and presentation. All submitted articles should report original,
previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.
Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must
not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should
follow the style of the Conference and are subject to both review and
Paper Template
Each paper is limited to 5 pages(Double
Column)/10 paeges(Single Column) normally, and additional pages will be
charged. Please follow the format Instruction below:
Template Download (Word,
For those who do not publish paper can do
presentation only in the conference. They can submit abstract only.
Please follow the format Instruction below:
Template Download
Accepted and registered papers of ICCBB
2025 will be published in the ICCBB 2025 Conference Proceedings, indexed by
Ei Compendex
One Best Presentation will be selected from
each session and the Best Presentation Award will be announced at the
end of each session.
Submission Methods
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers
including results, tables, figures and references. If you want to do
presentation only without paper publication, abstract can be submitted.
Electronic Submission System; (.pdf/.doc)
2. Conference Email;
The Conference Secretary will reply the Paper ID within 2 working days
after receiving your paper submission by the conference email address: